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Is Your Diary Toxic?


Show Notes

Welcome to Episode Fifty Six (Season Three) of the Executive Career Jump Podcast with your host, Andrew MacAskill!

Our guest in the hot seat today is Paul Holbrook.

Paul is an author and leadership-disrupter who, after 20 years managing rapid technology growth in the City of London, decided he'd simply had enough of watching the effects of toxic management. 

From that moment, he decided to spend his time creating a world of better-led people. In creating the Diary Detox® he allowed managers to remove waste from their diary - that they didn’t know was there - and focus more time on getting the best from their people and themselves. 

In this episode you will discover:

  • Why leaders shouldn’t see managing people as a sideline to the ‘proper’ job.
  • Why Green, Red, and Amber are important colours for your diary.
  • How consciously planning your time makes you more productive.
  • Why your well-being should be your highest priority and how to ensure it is.


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